Friday, June 09, 2006

Well Well Well

I am here. I have been faithfully lurking and catching up on everybody. I really have no good excuse for not updating for so long. I have decided this summer is the summer of "Me". I am *trying* to get into shape and do little things for myself to make me happier. Including laying out tanning at the pool. All while Sarah is in school. I know I am horrible. (Evil Grin). I mean it is not like she hates school or anything. She loves it and it is her only opportunity to play with other kids her age. And besides she is only there for like 4-5 hours a day. Ok I am done defending myself!!! I am also having laser hair removal done (face: ewwww)!!! yea!! Finally; PCOS will not mark me!!! It is expensive but I need the boost for my self confidence. I deserve it. My 1st Treatment is this Wednesday!!!! I even had my hair done today!!! WooHoo!!! Well I will post a long update in a bit (promise!) I am about to fall asleep!!!

1 comment:

No Longer In Crisis said...

Oh Michelle - you are gonna SO love getting your laser removal. OK, the little bit of pain is so worth the smooth skin and not having to pluck or shave. I just had my second treatment and the hair is ALL gone. I'll go in for a 3rd round in 2 months just to make sure its all dead and gone. I even had her zap my uni-brow!! I too, had a hair makeover - about 5 inches cut off to above my shoulders and 2 colors of red and bold highlights. I'll have to post a picture as it looks very different. Yes - it really is high time we moms took care of ourselves and lived a little more!