I am frustrated!!! I need to seriously vent--so I will apologize in advance. My SIL. Wow. What a piece of work. She is one of those people who "know" everything. Even though she is 24 years old. Ok, now granted I am only like 5 years older than her; but OMG!!!! She drives me insane.
She believes she is the best mother in the world. That she has raised a prodigy. Ok reality check. Her son is satans' spawn. Seriously. Mean, rude, he cusses, he hits, he is stingy, and bad bad bad!!!!!! Yeah I know he is technically my nephew; but I hate to say it: I do not like him. It is not really his fault. It is the way his mother raised him. She, of course, blames everything (one) but herself. Uhh--HELLO!!! If you scream and cuss at your children and call them a "jerk"; "bastard" and such; chances are he will be saying the same things!!! But what would I know right??? According to her; her son is older than my daughter so obviously she KNOWS more about parenting than me!!!!
I don't even like my daughter around them at all. My SIL is one of those jealous types. If she gets or has something no one else does; then that is all you hear about. But for instance, when I try to talk to her about us selling our house and building a new one; she cuts me off & makes an excuse to get off of the phone. She is a renter who will never in her natural life have a house because they chose to spend spend spend. She is just so darn competitive it makes me sick. Over petty shit no less. She is even jealous that my husband and I have a little girl. Yes. Thats what I said. She is jealous I have a daughter and she has a son. She always wanted a little girl; after we brought Baby S home; SIL would not answer her phone for like 6 months!!! I cant wait to move far far far away from these people....................
Well thanks for letting me rant...I feel way better already!!!! My SIL will always drive me insane though......
My Chosen Child
What!! She ought to be thankful she could have children! I'm glad I don't have a SIL.
I agree with you completely! In my opinion; mostpeople who have suffered through infertility to have children seem to be more patient and grateful for their children. Although that is not always the case; I do know a lot of people who get pregnant just thinking about it who adore their children. But I know WAY many more people who dont fully appreciate what they have......
My Chosen Child
Man, your SIL sounds like my EX-SIL - the screaming, cussing, name-calling - ugh, she was a moocher taking whatever she could get from society. At age 40 she is "permanently disabled" from a "fall at work" (ahem, do you hear the sarcasm??). I was so glad to permanently get rid of her too. Hopefully, the move will be a good one. (I don't miss FL at all myself!)
I know EXACTLY how you feel! I won't point out names bacause my wife reads your blog too ;-)
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