Saturday, February 11, 2006

Baby S footprints at birth

4lbs 6 oz. 18 inches long


No Longer In Crisis said...

Hi - just caught your blog via a comment on Cindy's and I wanted to say "hi". I too have PCOS, and my husband and I are fostering to adopt!! We currently have an 8 week old baby girl and we are hoping for TPR very soon - she was born cocaine addicted but is doing just great. I'm so inspired by your story, I can hardly tell you how much it means to stumble across it today. Infertility has taken its toll on me too, and we decided not to do fertility treatments, even though some doctors tell us we "have a good shot". I just hear too many failure stories, and not nearly enough success stories to convince me to go through all that. God bless you for sharing your story.

Michelle said...

Thanks for your comment!! Congrats on your baby!!! Our daughter was also born exposed to cocaine, but she is now 18 months old and you never would guess it!! We also were in the same boat regarding fertility treatments...We had already spent alot of $$$ and were left with empty arms....I will never go back to treatment; I would rather adopt anyday than go back to that horrible place in my life....