1. Add drug testing to Foster Parent screening process. I mean Hello!!! The State takes children AWAY from their biofamilies who use drugs; why should they place them into a foster family that might possibly to drugs?!?!?!!?!?
2. Enforce a maximum age limit to be a foster parent. Im only saying this because I have seen several 70+ year olds applying to be foster parents to TEENAGERS!!! That is just ridiculous in my opinion. I am 26 and I dont think I have enough of an energy level to tackle having teens around!!!! Come on, how would a person that old even discipline a teen who especially has grown up "in the system".
3. After a child comes into state custody, I would like to see them stay IN care for at least 7 days before a emergency shelter hearing is held. To have proper investigation of the reason WHY they were placed to begin with. My husband and I where placed with a 12 month old litle boy; and the judge sent him back to his mother within 24 hours. This boy was placed in our care after being hit with the claw side of a hammer by his mom. Seems the judge thought there was not enough evidence;other than the 2 prog claw makes that traveled the back length of his body to prove it was intentional......
4. There is a HORRIBLE shortage of foster parents where I am from. My caseworker told me the other day they had 458 homes and 1580 children in care in our county only.......Most homes are overfilled...I would like to see more advertising and education on recruiting GOOD foster parents....Youd be surprised at how many actually do it for the meager check you receive for each child you have....Sick....
Well I guess that is a good start for now...Im sure I will think of many more things to bitch about when it comes to foster care............
Amen to every one of these! Our very first placement was a newborn baby who was returned to mom 23 hours after he was placed with us (after birthmom was arrested in the hospital and taken away). They said the charges were dismissed - but, um - hellooooo - I was thinking, "don'tcha think ya'll should at least check into what's going on here?" Sigh. Yet - when it comes to getting these kids permanency - they drag it on and on and on.
I never realized that. I wonder why they don't drug test. Hmm. Most people in my state wouldn't past. Maybe they are afraid that will eliminate what few foster families they have?
I agree with everyone of these statements! We've only been doing this for almost 2 years and during this time there have been placements that have been short lived due to "technicalities" Nothing can ever shake that horrible feeling you get when you have to surrender a child to go back into the poor situation they came from and know that they will be back in the system or unfortunatly dead within a short time of their return.
Im pretty sure thats why they dont drug test; cause then they would probally loose quite a few foster homes...but still...scary to think that a few foster homes might actually be WORSE than the biological parents home for some of these kids.....
My CHosen Child
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